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Introduction >  
What does the     
treatment involve ?  
Fissure sealing >  
Small lesions >  
Medium lesions >  
Large, deep lesions >  
Mouth Ulcers >  
Cold sores >  
Ozone Treatment

Fissure sealing

Fissure sealing involves the placement of a seal OVER the fissures which harbour bacteria. Unfortunately these seals did and still do leak.

Tooth decay can continue under the seal and detection is masked by the seal.

At Dental Clinique we have not recommended fissure sealing for the above reason.

With HEALOZONE, the entire therapy has changed.

Our NEW procedure is as follows:

  1. Bacterial disinfection of all fissures using Healozone
  2. Placement of a new material FUJI 7 to form a seal

Tell me about Fuji 7 >>

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